Governance Documents
Southshore was organized in 2002 for purposes of financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining public improvements.
The District is governed by state statute as well as the Service Plan approved by the City of Aurora when the District was established. Below are links to the governing documents including but not limited to the Service Plan, a boundary map of the District, and the Transparency Notice.
The documents provided on this site and other pages of this site are for the convenience of the website users. The documents are not all of the documents or instruments affecting the district. If you require a district document not available below you may request a copy by submitting a public records request to The Management Trust, the district's management company.
Service Plan
The formation and operation of a special district is governed by Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes and other applicable laws. The first step in formation of a special district is submittal of a Service Plan to the jurisdiction in which the property is located. The Service Plan is basically like a city charter and sets forth the powers that the district as government entity will have (i.e., the power to provide water, sanitary sewer, street and other public improvements).
Transparency Notice
No more than sixty days prior to and not later than January 15 of each year, the board of a Special District must provide a Transparency Notice to the eligible electors of the special district which contains the following information:
1. The address and telephone number of the business office of the special district.
2. The name and business telephone number of the manager or other primary contact person of the special district.
3. The names of and contact information for the members of the board, the name of the board chair, and the name of each member whose office will be on the ballot at the next regular special district election.
4. The times and places designated for regularly scheduled meetings of the board during the year and the place where notice of board meetings is posted.
5. The current mill levy of the special district and the total ad valorem tax revenue received by the district during the last year.
6. The date of the next regular special district election at which members of the board will be elected.
7. Information on the procedure and time for an eligible elector of the special district to submit a self-nomination form for election to the board pursuant to section 1-13.5-303, C.R.S.
8. The address of any website on which the special district's election results will be posted.
9. Information on the procedure for an eligible elector to apply for a permanent absentee voter status.
Annual Report
A board of county commissioners, or the governing body of a municipality within whose boundaries a district is located, may request a district to file, not more than once a year, an annual report. The report includes, but isn’t limited to, information on the progress of the special district in the implementation of the service plan.
Name Change
In 2023, Southshore dissolved Southshore Metropolitan District No.1. The surviving entity was originally known as Southshore Metropolitan District No.2. In late 2023, a name change was simplified to Southshore Metropolitan District.
Under the Colorado Local Government Election Code, regular elections are those where district directors are elected. These have been held on the Tuesday following the first Monday of May in even-numbered years, but beginning in 2023, they will be held in odd-numbered years. The transition to odd-numbered years was a result of House Bill 18-1039 and means that some districts will hold regular elections in May of both 2022 and 2023. Ballot issue elections concerning bonds (TABOR questions) must be held either at regular elections, in coordinated elections in November of even-numbered years, or in TABOR elections in November of odd-numbered years. Special elections, called by a special district board for non-TABOR questions, can be held in February, May (of even-numbered years), October, or December.
Metropolitan District Homeowners' Rights Task Force
Notice Concerning HB23-1105: Homeowners’ Association and Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Forces
Pursuant to House Bill 23-1105, signed into law on May 24, 2023, a Metropolitan District Task Force is to be appointed by November 1, 2023, to examine issues regarding homeowners’ rights and to perform other duties as noted in the new law. A summary of the Bill and link to the signed Act are available at https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb23-1105. Each Metropolitan District in Colorado created to finance infrastructure to support a housing subdivision is required to notify its residents about the task force.